Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Ah.. Poetry

Back in the early 90s I gathered together some of the poems I had written in my journal from the time I started keeping a journal in my mid teens. After going through 100s of pages of mostly prose, mostly repetitive and self absorbed, I typed a collection onto my primitive PC (running DOS I am sure.)

Happily the files survive on a 1.44 MB floppy disk. Very soon I will lose the current PC with the floppy disk drive, so I decided to extract these text files and keep them for posterity.

But what is the point of having these collected works in a text file somewhere on a hard disk / backup disk / in the cloud. I have this blog, let me publish these poems there.. to be honest they no longer have much worth to me - just some museum pieces of a personality long discarded. I am neither proud nor ashamed of these poems as they are definitely not from me now today. Someone else wrote them.

However there are quite a few to publish - cutting and pasting every one in the same blog post would be too much to handle, so I plan to post one every day or every few days. This should go on for several months - and then there is a second collection. But this is much much shorter than the first.

So here follow my two collections - October With Tears, and Thursday Night

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