Monday, 10 May 2010

Crossing the Field

All of a sudden we were volleying,
Batting, bowling, aiming and Rallying.
I turned to look at my friend
In some disbelief and worry
That I may be overcompensating,
Overacting in a hurry
And forcing the game's end.

But the food came, and more beer.
The company, alcohol and Stilton cheering
Me on. Then off we were, walking
Through fields flat and immense.
The conversation diverting, diverse.
Worries then at the current expense
Subdued by the joys of talking, talking.

A junction. the line of conversation stalls.
Disorientation, skipping through fields.
Lagoons of doubts, drones of engines.
Back to the path as it greys, rains.

Home in the car and a breakdown.
Coffee and conviviality with Viv and velvet.
The rest of the day in tiredness.
Damp walk home, food and the down
Train to London, home of the restless.
Looking back, then being glad we met.

I, as ever, the fool
Asking more questions
Than getting answers.
Mixed feelings
But positive about the chances.
The fool dances.

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